- Kinotx - hundreds of films and tv series in german
- Tivi - cartoons and shows for children in german
- Zdf - news in german
- Deutsche Welle - lots of videos for different levels
- Slowgerman - Audios with a text to follow
- Mypass - TV shows in German
- Germanpod101 - a youtube channel with listening tasks
- Deutschaussprache -Listen to correct pronunciation
- Cartoon with subtitles
- Memrise - lots of free vocabulary courses which use spaced repetition system
- Languageguide - words by topics
- Ielanguages - words by topics
- Learnwitholiver - lots of flashcards with german vocabulary
- Syvum - German to English vocabulary quizzes
- Lingolia - words by topics with exercises
- Anki - a website which lets you create flashcards and learn them using spaced repetition system
- Cram - German flashcards
- Quizlet - another website for flashcards creation
- Cerego - lots of courses with german flashcards
- Nthuleen - vocabulary woksheets by topics
- Babadum - a fun and pretty vocabulary quiz
- Schubert grammar - lots of grammar and vocabulary exercises
- Nthuleen Grammar - Grammar worksheets
- Grammatiktraining - Grammar exercises
- German-grammar - grammar explanations and exercises
- Levrai - lots of grammar exercises
- Lingolia - grammar explanations and exercises
- Deutschegrammatik20 - grammar exercises
- Mein-deutschbuch - grammar explanations and exercises
Some of my favourite grammar textbooks
- A level book A level answers
- B level book B level answers
- C level book C level answers
- Grammatik Aktuell book Grammatik Aktuell answers
- Pons Grammatik
- Zeit - news in German
- Free books in German
- Wievmanga - Manga in German
Test your knowledge